Fred Gall Gets a New Mattress!

The fine folk at Jenkem have put out a video as part of their JENK TV, which features Brian Anderson wearing a mask shopping for a mattress for Freddy Gall!

Fred’s friends stumped up up to reward his anniversary of being sober with an orthopaedic mattress. In fact, shouldn’t a quality mattress be more of a “thing” for skaters? How many times have you lay in bed, trying to get a good night’s sleep after a heavy slam?

As well as radical mattress footage, there are clips of some tricks on Fred’s green ramp and other greens in his garden, plus the new concrete bowl. The Gall compound is sick!

“Alright, let’s get Fred a mattress!” - skateboarders love to quote from skate videos. Maybe this will be 2020’s quote of the year? It’s been a very strange year so far.

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